Unable to Sync
No Internet
Check you can load a website in the device's browser, if you can load it without any issues please contact us and we will fix this quickly. If you are unable to load the 'test' website, please wait till you have a stable internet connection before attempting a sign-in again.
Previous Unclosed Inspection
You may have a previous inspection you completed that is still open on your device. To remedy this please go to the property via the 'Properties' page on the website and find any previous inspections that are still open, active or in review, and complete it before attempting to sync again.
Not Assigned to Inspection
If this issue arises, check the web dashboard to see who the assigned clerk, and the status of the inspection. This problem may occur because the Inspection is not assigned.
Not in an Editable State
The inspection may not be in an editable state because it has been marked for review, completed or closed prematurely. To fix this, please click re-open inspection on the Property Inspect website.