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Add Custom Fields/Sections to a Report
Add Custom Fields/Sections to a Report
Adelle Naidoo avatar
Written by Adelle Naidoo
Updated over a week ago

* Part of the Advanced Templates add-on

With Property Inspect's new and improved report editor, it is now possible to add advanced 'sections' to your report. If you are not familiar with adding a new section on your report, you can find out more about adding/re-ordering blocks and block types here.

Once you have added a new inspection, start the report and navigate to the Edit Report tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see an option to add a 'Custom' block.

When clicked, the following default options will appear for you to start customising your new block. You can delete, edit or add a new field into your customised block.

Click Edit or Add New Field to start configuring the column

Field Name

Here you can customise the field name that will appear as the column heading on the final report.

Field Placeholder

Add instructions in the field placeholder to prompt clerks on what information they need to add here

Field Type

The field type controls how you can add information about the item to the report.

There are 9 types of fields you can add:


This type of field is used for brief overview, usually used for items with a single text-based comment/condition. Typically used for Schedule of Condition and Cleaning Summary.

Text (Multiline)

This type of field is used when a more text-based description and condition is needed. Typically used in more detailed inventory reports.

*New feature* - Number

A new number field has been added which supports the following formats:

  • integer, for whole numbers;

  • decimal, for numbers with decimal places; and

  • currency, for money.

Here are some examples of what a value — 12345.678 — becomes when entered into a number field:

  • (integer) saved as 12345 > formatted as 12,345;

  • (decimal) saved as 12345.678 > formatted as 12,345.678; and

  • (currency, GBP*) saved as 12345.678 > formatted as £12,345.68.

You can also choose whether you want trailing zeros when you configure number fields.

By default, trailing zeros will normally be shown as most currencies use a minimum of 2 decimal places. However, this excludes other currencies like JPY (¥) which do not use any decimal places.

The option to show/hide trailing zeros is NOT shown if your account's set currency does not use decimal places.

Pick list

Use this type of field for quick select options in a report. Only one answer can be selected from each option set when editing the report. This is typically used for faster Inspection formats.

When this field is selected, the following options will appear at the bottom of the pop up for you to add your own option sets.

Pick list (Multi)

This is very similar to Pick List (as above), but with this field type you can select more than one option.

*New feature* - Date / Time

Please note that this feature is not Live at the moment. Please contact Support for more information.

You can input the date / time into your report. When selected, you can choose the format you'd it to appear as:

You can also customise the way you'd like the date/ time to appear by selecting the 'Custom' option. This has to be enabled by our Support team.

Once the field is saved, a date picker will pop up and it will show you the formatted date.

If you select a format which has the time too, you will also be able to select the time you want. With the time, the options of the dropdown list are shown in 15 minute increments but if you want a more specific time, you can manually type the time.

This is an example of how it would appear on your final report:

Multiple Choice

Typically used for questions for faster inspection formats.

When this field is selected, the following options will appear at the bottom of the pop up for you to add your own multiple choice sets from the drop down menu.


Typically used for items with a Yes/No/NA toggle format, but this can be customised.

When this field is selected, the following options will appear at the bottom of the pop up for you to add your own simplified choice sets from the drop down menu.


Choosing this field type will give you the option for 3, 5 or 10 Star Rating scale to indicate condition, entering a score for each item listed.

When this field is selected, the following options will appear at the bottom of the pop up for you to add your rating choice sets from the drop down menu.

Now that is all the field types covered, here is an example of how a block could look when configured.

In the image below, I have added 4 columns - Text, Pick List, Rating and Notes. This would typically be used for a faster, less detailed inspection

Here is how it looks in the Edit Report page

You can duplicate your custom blocks across other sections of the report using the Copy feature.

Adding Custom Option Sets with Colours

You also have the option to customise the colours of the answer set. Please note the different colours will not show on the final report, but are used to help differentiate options when conducting a report.

Click on the block you would like to add the custom option set to

Select to add a new option set or manage an existing one

Add in your custom option sets if they do not exist already

Once created, click on the icons at the top of the pop up box, a new pop up box will then appear for you to select a colour. Click Update Colours when done.

Repeat this step for each option.

And then Save Option Set once finished.

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