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Media/3D Tour Block

Learn how to embed a full width image such as a schematic or floorplan, or embed videos or 3D tours.

Adelle Naidoo avatar
Written by Adelle Naidoo
Updated over a week ago

Key Features: edit media blocks to add a full width image, capture video or 360 footage or embed the media file via a unique URL link.

Key Benefits: increased options to capture vital information and evidence, highlight issues, support the client and add value to your reports.

*Note - this feature is not yet available in App.

On your desktop dashboard, navigate to the inspection you need to work on and click on 'Edit Report'.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen, to the "Add New Block' tab. Click on the 'Media' Block:

You will then able to edit how you'd like the Media Block to appear:

Click on 'Edit' to customise:

  • Field Name - this will appear as the column heading on the final report.

  • Field Placeholder - this will only appear as prompts when editing the report.

  • Field type - this controls how you can add information about the item to the report.

  • Media Files - you can choose if you'd like to include an Image, Video, 360 image, or Embed (include a URL link).

Once you have 'Saved' your Media Block/Room, it will appear on your report like this:

You can learn more about our Advanced Custom Block features and how they work here.

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