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Setting up Property Inspect
Steve Rad avatar
Written by Steve Rad
Updated over a week ago

When you first login to Property Inspect, you’ll arrive at your online Dashboard.

The first thing you’ll want to do is setup your company profile and add your logo that will show on the cover of your reports. If you have not already done this then by hovering over the 'MY ACCOUNT' link in the top right corner, then click on 'PROFILE'.


Your contact details including address, telephone number and logo will be displayed on the front cover of all reports by default.

This screen is pretty much identical for all users of the system, including inspectors and clients. At the minimum, Property Inspect needs your name and email address.

Other information includes telephone and mobile numbers and your address. If your account is owned by a company, you’ll want to put the business’s address and contact details here, followed by the company name and logo/image.

You can come here and click on ‘Change my password’ any time to be redirected to this screen, where Property Inspect will ask for a new password, which should be 6 characters long.

To manage all other account settings like report options, templates, dictionary and pricelists click the Settings button from the top menu.

The menu options and features available will depend on the Plan you signed up for.


The Settings page is divided into a series of tabs: General, Reports, Dictionary, Actions, Templates, Price Lists, Billing and Integrations. 


The General settings tab provides you the company profile and logo fields that will affect what displays on the cover page of your reports.

Scroll down for additional settings:

  • Auto Close Inspections - Once a report is complete, automatically close and archive it after a period of time specified

  • Job Sheets - Send your inspector's a list of their next day's assignments at 6pm in your local time zone. View Sample

  • Daily Overview - Send a daily overview summarizing all of the next day's assignments to the account owner email

  • Auto Increment Reference - Choose whether Property Inspect should automatically increment your inspection references, providing they end with a number (We recommend something like ABC1000001)


Property Inspect provides many report options to customise including orientation, cover details, photo sizes, notes and disclaimers, etc.

You can paste in your own default Notes, Disclaimers, Declarations and Terms & Conditions sections, for each specific type of inspection, making the software very customizable.


Your Dictionary will be pre-loaded with common rooms, items, descriptions and conditions for use in the field or using on the online report editor. Terms in your dictionary will be suggested as you type.

You can customize your team dictionary on this page.


If you invoice for inspections, Property Inspect provides you the ability to setup your pricing for different types of inspections and property types and sizes. 

Each Pricelist you create should be for a specific type of report for a specific type and size of property, so you may create a Pricelist for a 3 Bedroom Unfurnished House, or a single pricelist for all property sizes, making our invoicing system highly customizable. 

When Inspections are booked that match a pricelist, Property Inspect automatically assigns pricing to each new inspection. 

You can also integrate Property Inspect with popular accounting packages like Xero or Quickbooks. Contact support for assistance.


Templates are pre-defined skeleton reports that are prepared and ready for your inspectors to fill out when they arrive at a new property for the first time. 

Create unlimited types and styles of reports for specific inspections or property sizes, it's up to you whether you have one master template or many. Property Inspect automatically selects the correct template if configured correctly.


The Billing section lets you see how much you’re paying each month for Property Inspect, and when your next payment will be taken. Your monthly billing amount is determined by your price plan.

At any time when logged into Property Inspect you can choose or upgrade or downgrade your account by choosing the new price plan. The price change will take affect the very next billing cycle. You can also cancel your account from here if required.

You're now ready to setup clerks or clients and schedule new Inspections to produce reports!


Property Inspect comes with a number of direct integrations out of the box, including Dropbox, Google Calenders, iCal and more. Check out the Integrations page when logged into your web dashboard for the latest available integrations. 

If you use Zapier, we also have a private invite-only app on Contact support for an invitation. 

If you wish to build your own integrations, check out our API Developer Documentation.

See Also

Understanding the Report Workflow

Understanding Automated Emails

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