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Exporting Reports to Spreadsheet

Learn how to download your Property Inspect report as a CSV. file

Adelle Naidoo avatar
Written by Adelle Naidoo
Updated over a week ago

Key Features: with one simple click you can export the data for individual reports, clients or user information into a ready to view CSV file.

Key Benefits: interrogate the data to understand your reporting portfolio, which types of property you complete reports on, explore which inspectors or users are doing more or less reports, and use the data to plan your resources and develop your future services.

This feature is currently available for Enterprise users only. Please contact our Support team to enable this feature for your account.

Once you’ve finished entering all the data for your report, click 'Mark Complete' above on the right. Once the report has been marked as 'Complete', you will see the option to 'View Report'. Click on the arrow next to View Report, and select 'Export to CSV':

The spreadsheet will then begin saving to your computer, and will look similar to the following:

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